I finally coloured this guy. Hopefully this means that The Last Minuters (my nascent comic book about a load of bum superheroes) will now get the much-needed boost it, er... needs. Anyway, look out for more from TLM soon!

And for that wacky eighties manga vibe, here's the same again with a nifty colour halftone effect. Yay Photoshop! (click to see this effect a little better)

What else...? Oh yeah, check this out: these are the character designs for the game Vegas: Make it Big! (the exclamation mark is theirs not mine). This was for a world-building game for Deep Red Games, for which I also designed the scenarios. There are a few fun archetypes in here: the suave British spy, the mad movie mogul, the Penelope Pitstop-esque racing driver, but my favourite is probably the Texas steel baron. He's just a cool looking guy!

Last one: another piece for DR. This was a mood piece for a Hobbit-themed world-building game which - sadly - never got off the ground. Not all of this picture works, and I reckon the colouring is a little ropey, but I'm really pleased with the dragon!

Feedback welcome from one and all!
Ha ha, Gaz... That's funny.
No, there's something in that. Quite a lot actually. But there's a bit more to the story than what I wrote here. In fact, it's more about a superhero PR than it is about the aforementioned bum superheroes. And it has entirely different jokes* in it than you might find in Mystery Men!
But go on the naughty chair anyway. It kind of suits you.
*Three. It has three different jokes.
You really are a talent when you apply yourself, DM. Well done on the focus, I like the 'bot a whole hell of a lot.
Yeah, I'm pretty pleased with him... only downside: he's supposed to be red, not pink. If this doesn't come over I might have to rethink...
Although you're being (deliberately) wrong here, I can maybe make use of this idea. Groovy.
I'm planning on publishing a page from TLM once a week by the way, on this here very blog. Look out for page one at the end of June. Hey - maybe it'll catch on!
It'll catch on in that all your friends will gather here to piss and moan at you? Lucky duck. Print media is the way forward - trust me, I'm a big starry editor. Get it down on paper!
Maybe I will go down the print media route somewhere down the line. You guys would all buy it, right? But in the meantime I'd just like to prove that I can stick to a project and stick to a personal schedule.
And yeah, this guy's confidence is more or less misplaced. He's pretty stupid and shouty, but there's a bit of sadness in there as well. He's a failed wrestler in the body of a giant action figure - that's pretty sad!
Though since I put it like that, it actually sounds like a pretty cool life...
I love the robot Dan!
Very cool stuff. I also LOVE the idea for a half-assed superhero team. Genius.
Hi Dan. I love your robot too! Will post on your blog later, but I really dig the snippet that I saw from your Lonely Robot strip. That's a cool design, and there's some really nice storytelling going on there (I love the moment when he wakes up!).
Thanks for the thoughts on TLM. As Gaz points out above, it's not the most original idea in the world, but I'm hoping to bring a few cute extra ingredients to the formula. In terms of tone, I'm kind of shooting for a mix of Mystery Men and Arrested Development. With maybe a pinch of Harvey Birdman in there.
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