Sky-Knight! Probably my favourite of the Last-Minuters. He wields Excalibur (THE Excalibur mind, not a knock-off or that) and flies a fabulous futuristic biplane called Tempus Fugit. Despite that, and because of a drinking problem and low self-esteem, he is rubbish at what he does.

This is Alphaman, the Superman analogue in the TLM-verse. To be honest, I'm probably going to make him a bet less Fleischer and a bit more Owen Wilson. He needs to be attractive to the heroine, and so must be cool heroic, not cheesy heroic. Anyway, I dig this design and the colours. That's an A on his chest.

And there's something else coming quite soon I hope - if Blogger doesn't blow up. Hmmm. Anyway, let me know what you think of the above!
Man, the top panel of the comic page is awesome. It has a great composition and a nice sense of movement and action.
You know how much I love the stuff that you;re doing for Niall (if that is how he spells it, which I doubt...) but I prefer the Sky-Knight dude to the hero guy, he's got more... razzmatazz...
Thanks Jay - I'm pretty pleased with the linework on this page: it's properly moody and "gaslighty". This is slightly offset by my feeling that nothing I do again will be this good. Hmmm...
And hello Peach. I totally agree with you: I like the cheesiness of this Alphaman, but think he needs something to give him some extra poke. I'm working on it...!
Miss McC - going on past form, I suspect Catullus would fly into a drunken, foul-mouthed rage. I'm not quite sure where SkyKnight obtained Excalibur - my feeling is that he was shot down over France in WWI and saved by Merlin, who gave him a magic sword and a souped-up airplane with which to win the war. At the end of the war he was transplanted in time to the present day, where he finds his old world thinking causes problems. Either that or he's an immortal who has watched the world get steadily worse (in his eyes) since the war and now drinks heavily to deal with it. Lovely.
He's so cool, I'm almost tempted to make the whole story about him. We'll see.
And hello Alan - thanks for your top thoughts! *salutes!*
A wee test!
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