...Doctor Who
The new Doctor Who Magazine is out today, and I drew ten pages of it! Pretty mad, huh? The story is called The Screams of Death, it's by Jonny Morris, and it's a seedy, horrible tale of demons and divas in 19th Century Paris. I had a whale of a time drawing it, and James Offredi has coloured it up just right.

I have to be honest, I was a bit worried about drawing this one. I always get a bit of stage fright before doing Doctor Who - he's been a part of my life since I was a wee nipper, so I always feel like I have to really raise my game for him. That probably sounds a bit mental, doesn't it? Anyway, as I've sort of mentioned in interviews before, Matt Smith is a tricky bugger to get right. He's got that Peter Davison quality: distinctive, but mercurial (translation: he looks different from every angle, and he has no eyebrows). I think I nailed a passable caricature, but I don't think I quite got him right till part two (which you'll have to wait till next month to see, you lucky bastards).
Before I got cracking with drawing the actual strip, the chaps at DWM asked me to design a few bits and pieces. And here they are (only look if you don't mind being mildly spoiled for the story):

And that's yer lot. I hope you enjoy the strip!