I'm not busy enough at the moment, so I decided to join a... what would you call it? A sketch troupe? A Bore of Artists? I dunno, but this is it anyway: http://comictwart.blogspot.com/
I find myself in the company of genuine comic art luminaries, such as:
Mitch Gerads
Mitch Breitweiser
Mike Hawthorne
Tom Fowler
Steve Bryant
Ron Salas
Nathan Fairbairn
Andy Kuhn
Chris Samnee
Evan "Doc" Shaner
... and that Irish guy. Declan something or other.
Pretty bloody heavyweight, I think you'll agree.
So our first week's subject was Zorro. I didn't do the best one (I think that's between Andy Kuhn and Mike Hawthorne - but gawd, they're all ace so far... and I hear Francesco Francavilla's gonna join us later, and he is THE MAN when it comes to Zorro), but mine is pretty cute, I guess:

I really dig the whole "Gay Blade" side of Zorro. He should be having fun - he's living the dream!
I did another one, but rejected it as too... I don't know. It just doesn't work, and I don't know why:

We're going to be doing a sketch a week, a different character each time. When it's my turn to pick a character, I'm gonna choose...
Actually - I'm open to suggestions!