Verrrry quick update: Gregarious Glen Brunswick and myself have a JERSEY GODS themed interview on Comic Book Resources. It's HERE. Warning, this was a phone interview conducted late in the evening following a starchy tea, so there's a possibility I might seem cranky/random/stupid.
JERSEY GODS is out on February 4th - ask for it by name. And if you're going to NYCC, come and say hi!
Glad to see you're getting some press!
I can't wait for the book, man.
Holy heck, Dan. I don't know how you did it, but the dude with the glasses and backpack on the right is totally me when I had a ponytail.
Starch can do that to a man.
Beautiful work.
I warned them. I told them my tea was starchy. And did they listen? DID THEY?
Thanks for the kind words, chaps. You've succeeded in convincing me that this is going to be the best comic book of 09.
Blair, I just pulled the biggest nerd I could imagine out of my head. He looks like an amalgam of everyone I worked with when I was in games design...!
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