For the excellent
Warwick Johnson Cadwell - here's a pic of Elka, Swedish Troll-Slayer par excellence. Another insanely fun character to draw. Warwick, if you're ever looking for pin-ups let me know (and I'll probably have a crack at Gelatina quite soon...)
Pentel brush pen and PITT pen on printer paper.
Fan Flippin tasic! That has made made my day, thanks a million, and the prospect of a Gelatina sometime is the icing on the saucy swedish cake.
I make stick that on my own blog, hope you don't mind.
Fill yer boots! Chuffed you like it.
That's sodding great, but you missed what I'd rank as a key feature of Elka's appeal.
Her tendency to stand around scratching her bare arse.
Ak. Missed a trick there, didn't I? I should at least have showed off a bit more leg...
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