As of September, the Man of Steel is getting a makeover. In Superman comic, he's going to be all kneepads and seams, in Action Comics #1, he's going to look like the son of a farmer. I wasn't sure about this look at first, but after drawing him for myself...

I totally get it now.
This is pure awesome. After seeing this, I get it now too.
There's a lot of dodgy design going on in the new DCU, but this is spot-on. I'm presuming Morrison came up with it off his own bat without Jim Lee.
That's fantastic, Dan.
Robert, Evan - much obliged, chaps!
Mark, I'm reading Supergods at the moment, and what you're saying definitely lines up with Morrison's feelings on Superman. That the Silver Age is cloying and weird, that the modern version of the character has lost his relevance, and that the real power of the character is all there in that first appearance. He uses the word "fast" a lot to describe Superman, so I think we're going to see the big guy running a lot more.
I'm terribly excited.
I'm not a fan of Supes new look, but I'm a fan of this drawing. Awesome stuff Dan.
More explosions should be colored to the character's scheme.
Cheers, Ev!
Austin, I couldn't agree more. Unless you're being sarcastic, in which case - boooo! ;)
Looks amazing. Love it
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