I've had an idea for a wicked Batman/Crow crossover brewing for about, bloody hell, fifteen years. Back from when The Crow was kind of a big deal amongst my Gothy/metal-y friends. It'll probably never happen, but that's not gonna stop me doing some Crow/Batman fan art!

Blue line pencil, india ink on bristol board, ink wash. I then attacked the board with a compass to give it an appropriately scratchy, Gothy look. Came out quite nice, I reckon!
Dan - what make of Bristol board are you using? Another bloody good piece. Incidently I read JG#5 last night ( it's the only ish I've run across) - really loved it - though I think I need to splash on the TPB to get the whole story. Your gods must be on cosmic steroids... or you are ! :)
Hello, Ade! I'm using Canson Bristol Board, which is a bit smoother than I like, but you can get a really nice sharp line on it with a brush, and it takes wash/cutting really well.
And thanks for the nice woids about number 5. Who knew I liked drawing big men so much?
Wow, that's such a beautiful piece - Apart from the figures themselves, that look awesome, the scratchy look suits the image perfectly, and I love what you did with the Batsignal.
Thanks, James!
Ah I remember the good old days when I used to take the piss out of my older brother for reading The Crow, probably from behind a Jim Lee X-Men. Love this piece though, seems like a natural team up when you see it. Plus that crow-signal is brilliant, looks a bit like the Albanian flag.
Dan, dude, that is glorious! Beautiful beautiful. And look, last year I was the Crow!
I urge everyone to click on that link that Greg just posted - it looks WAAAAY cooler than it should.
If I didn't know you were such a sweet guy, you would terrify the hell out of me! :)
i am commenting here because you disabled the comments on your DA:
thank you
Thanks, Lordi! Comments on DA have now been reenabled :(
Cool Crow, but that Batman RULES.
also, because I've now read "The Deep Hereafter":
I considered drawing little domino masks into the Doc, but then I realised that would just be vandalising Rob Davis's art....
love the story, love the art, love the characters,love the references everywhere, love the-
I'm not good at this whole reviewing thing...
MonkeyFeather, Stephen - thanks chaps! Stephen, yeah, I am pretty much aware of how ludicrous the Crow is :) But he's a neat visual and, I reckon, a great opponent for Bat (see The Dark Knight for more on this).
Lordi, of all the reviews I'll read for TDH, yours is already a clear winner. I was a bit worried about this story, but people seem to like it, so I was clearly wrong to worry about. I haven't got my issue yet so I have NO idea what it looks like however :(
trust me, Rob was "the right man for the job" ;)
Fantastic. Really like the scraping technique. Never would have thought of using a compass to create that gothy distressed look. Very effective. Definitely gonna have a go at it myself. I've only ever tried white ink and acrylic in the past, Thanks.
Dan, that's a gothmetalnoir treat. I don't suppose you did any more?
Warwick, I think there might be more of this sort of thing - stay tuned.
Very nice, sir. Needed to be done. Ever see the Batman O'Barr drew? I don't have a link to it, but it's floating around Google somewhere.
I'm glad you approve, luv!
Blimey, you spammers are getting awfully sophisticated, aren't you? The main mistake you're making is going by the name "Generic Viagra" - always a dead giveaway, that.
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