*wakes up*
Whuzzat? It's the first week in March? And Jersey Gods #2 is out this Wednesday? WHY WASN'T I TOLD?!
Nice preview over here:
LINKSpanking review over here:
LINKAnd, just to confuse the issue, a couple of sneeky looks at issue 5 here:

Wait, no. That's a baby otter. THIS is from issue 5:

As you can see, I've started getting a bit cheeky with my sound effects. A hangover from DC Thomson days (and inspired by Grant Morrison's thoughts on the

A final farewell? Guys - get a room!
Aww, that otter's freakin' adorable! I want one! :-D
And can't wait for issue 2.
And where's my inked page, Dan! ;p
GLEE! It's got that 'big punch-up dps'
I'm always a big fan of the 'descriptive sfx' too.
Greg, that was *exactly* my response to that otter. And yer inked page is coming up, pal!
Alright, what does "big punch up dps" mean? It sounds good, but it's left me confused - and I *hate* being confused.
Hooop! Sorry for the trouble, I seem to leave confusion in my wake.
I was referring to the double page spread with the big punch up (in the preview)
Nice otter.
Oh aye! Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing that bad boy in print...!
Dan, these tease images look great! And I for one love sound effects done that way....
Going to try and get out and make the trek to the comic shoppe tomorrow, 'hoping there'll still be an issue left for me.
p.s. Check your in-box I sent you something. ;)
Thanks, Mr C! If you can't track down a copy, let me know...!
i'm glad you mentioned it, because the "SUMMON" was the FIRST thing to pop out and make say "Yes!" outloud.
too cool
Thank you, Mr C! I think there are a few other artists who use this trick - Ashley Wood does it from time to time, I think. It always makes me laugh, and it's good comic booky stuff.
Sorry I've missed some posts. Been buried in deadline and deadline afterbirth. JG #2 was incredible!
Those ink Doctor Who ink drawings below are BEAUTIFUL. So organic and lush.
Oh yeah--teeshirt will go out this week!
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