Anyway, the DOCTOR WHO work is continuing apace. Part Two of Thinktwice hit the shops about two weeks ago, and I've just finished the final (I think) draft of part two of the *next* story in the sequence, which features an old friend of the Doctor and some spooky Wicker Man shenanigans... And I'm just starting issue four of JERSEY GODS. Speaking of, the word on the grapevine is that we've got a 6-page preview for JG coming up in a forthcoming issue of INVINCIBLE. More news on that as and when...
In the meantime... Internet chum Mark Cardwell reminds me that I did some work for this year’s Doctor Who Storybook from Panini (which is in shops now and makes an ideal Christmas gift). So here are some preliminary sketches from that. Unlike last year’s effort, this one is entirely Earthbound, and does not feature a flying alien tortoise. Boo. It does, however, feature Catherine Tate as Donna Noble, who was an absolute pain to get right. I think it's a bit soon to post the final pieces online, but check out these roughs:

I think you got Catherine Tate's battleship dimensions just about right.
Updating blog and hitting deadlines is tough, man! Pretty cool breakdowns, though...
Ah, so I'm not the only one -- Catherine Tate is a pain to draw -- though yours came out better than mine.
So... no more David Tennant in '10, eh?
Thanks chaps. Blair - aye, that's it for the 10th Doctor. I'm gonna bloody miss him as he was a pleasure to draw and write (I don't think I could have done either with Eccleston's Doctor - too opaque.)
Here's to Paterson Joseph, eh? ;)
I'm not sure if I could've written Eccelston's, but I think I could've figured out how to draw him.
Tennant leaving sucks because I think I was just figuring out how to draw him easily. And here I've been spending all this time knocking on IDW's door. ;)
Well, there's one more year leastways.
Paterson Joseph? Is that the rumor? That'd be a change in many ways.
I had a few goes at "Big" Chris and the results were *bad*. But Tennant came pretty quickly to me. He's a cartoonist's dream in many ways: big eyes, comic-booky eyebrows, dead tall and skinny - perfect.
PJ is the hot tip at the moment, but I think that's pretty much based on a fever dream Rich Johnston once had. He's not a bad bet - he's certainly got presence - but does he have the range? Somebody somewhere made a convincing case for Jack Davenport - not that it would be a good idea, but that it would make sense in lots of ways (genre actor, experience with Mr Moff, has a certain Peter Davison-y quality). Don't fancy that, much.
the chap at the front of the queue in picture 4 looks a bit like you....
He is me! And that's my girlfriend in the monitor (though she's prettier and less panicky in real life...)
i thought so....
the queue bit, not the
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