TWO MONTHS?! Wow, I really *am* a bad blogger. Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Etc. to you and yours. I've been busy doing Doctor Who stuff as well as doing some designs for a hush-hush project I've got lined up with top writer Glen Brunswick (of
Killing Girl and Gray Area fame). I should be posting some tasters from these two (terribly exciting) projects soon, but in the meantime here's some odds and sods I done between consuming vast quantities and feeling ever so slightly disappointed with Voyage of the Damned...
First up, a trio of telefantasy heroes, sketched in PS with a wacom. Number Six, Mrs Peel and John Steed. Rough yes, but I think they have something cool going on...

More wacom business: two Batmen!

Arsing about with my new PITT brush pens. These are superb (the pens, not the pics) - only problem is they don't last. If anyone's got any tips on an alternative, I am all ears...

Dig that Number Six. Those first three beggar the question (from me, anyway): have you read LOEG: THE BLACK DOSSIER yet?
The answers's no, but with the caveat "not yet". I'm guessing that Moore brings in these sixties telefantasy heroes? That's frigging *brilliant*. Have you read it? What are the chances of it even making its way over here? By, ahem, legitimate means?
There's references to The Prisoner, Dangerman, and The Avengers. Emma Peel is a major character in it.
I got mine from a legitimate UK business, through the grey market, at cover price.
No-one's busted my door in yet. "Freeze, perp! That comic may or may not infringe some copyrights, but seems to be vaguely enough worded to avoid such conflicts in most cases anyway! But we're not taking any chances!"
I'd like this country a lot better if the cops shouted "Freeze Perp!" like Judge Dredd as they were busting some copyright-troubling blogger. Hey, do you watch the IT Crowd? Did you see the piracy video send-up they did on that? OH yes. Here's a link:
Linehan's not far off the mark. I tend to go to the cinema with some dudes who're, um, digital libertarians, who tend to get apoplectic whenever those "bootlegging is theft" ads come on.
"No it frigging isn't", they cry. "It's copyright infringement. Totally different crime all together". Bloody movie business, and their guilt-tripping ways.
loving that craggy formian brow Hulk you got going on.
Yeah, I love drawing that guy - he's got a cool, primal thing going on and you can go to town with the crags an' the shadows and that.
those look great!
*i had the wacom thingy for over 4 years now and i still cant get to draw directly with it! (and be satisfied) ...
i do use it a lot, in coloring and whenever i run PS but just cant get to really draw with it...
*i used them for a bit but their lifespan is way too short! (the PITT pens) they ARE great however...
have you tried pentel brush-pens?
there's 2 modes i like to use
pentel brush pen GFKP (thinner pen, only in black)
pentel brush GFL (this a bit thicker and more brut, they also come in colors)
the great thing about these is that you can refill them with your favorite ink or even liquid water color or anilines
i'm just way to messy and lazy to keep my brushes clean and ready to go
i love em!
Hi Laseraw. I've got some wacom pics I've done recently that I'll post up here soon. I'm a little gunshy about pencils at the moment so this is the nearest I've come to any actual drawing since before Christmas. Man, I hate stage fright...!
Thanks for the advice about the pentel pens - I'll check them out. (boring sentence alert) I really like the idea of being able to refill. I'm hip to using a brush - I probably prefer inking these days to pencilling - but it would be nice to get those kind of brushy effects on the go.
hi it connor tell you wife it is connor a student from her old school i n blairhigh and i was just saying dan do you remember that drawing i drawing you that 1 of a hero ask miss mclmscia and she will remember tell her i said hi and can you try and put it in a comice or somthing plzzzzz tell her my msn is or
Hi Connor! Will do - and I'll be posting up your picture VERY soon. There's also a possibility I can sneak him into a comic strip or two in future - I'll keep you posted!
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