Monday, October 25, 2010


Another panel from that secret project I'm working on for Oni Press. This is such a bad-ass idea for a book, it's all I can do not to spill the beans right here. But you'll just have to wait!


Friday, October 22, 2010

Doctor Who and the Dialects!

Below is a recent commisson piece, set in my home county of Cornwall (aah, I bet you all thought I was Scottish, didn't you?). The client wanted to see himself and his wife in a thrilling adventure with the Tenth Doctor the Daleks. So, like Jim'll Fix It, I fixed it for him to have just that!

I'm particularly chuffed with the Dalek in the bottom right there - he just came together really well.

The pencils! This was the piece which finally convinced me to go back to using a mechanical graphite pencil after a couple of years of using blue pencil. It was fun, blue pencil, but mechanical graphite pencil is just more... flexible.

I loved doing these - Daleks, South Crofty Tin Mine, girls in chains - it was like my teenage years all over again.

Fancy seeing yourself tangling with, I dunno, the Drahvins or somebody? Drop me a line!


Thursday, October 14, 2010



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hellboy/Ghost Rider - now in mono!

I normally hate to, as it were, double dip on a pic I've done (and how dead is a phrase when even politicians have started to use it? That'll the be the first and last time I use that phrase, promise), but I was rifling through my sketches folder and came across the inks for my Hellboy/Ghost Rider mash-up thing. Looks better than I remember, so I decided to stick it up in here. That's okay, right?




Monday, October 11, 2010

CHOOM! - The Wallpaper!

Mr J Torres - of whom I'm a massive fan - commented on Twitter that he would quite like to see my recent blog post as a desktop wallpaper. So here it is, in a number of handy sizes!



480x320 (for yer iPhone, check it out)

There was also some talk of t-shirts - the wheels are turning, J!
