This was the brief:

A fireball in the middle of the page, stone above, water forming a loop around the side and something suggestive of wind at the bottom.
And this was the final thing:

It's not as finished as I would like, but I was advised by smarter heads than mine not to work too hard on it, as it was supposed to be a bit of fun. Which it was!
He's going to see this pic tomorrow - hope he likes it.
I think the lightning is a nice touch.
That's swell !
Yer a pushover, McDaid. But a good man. Nice work.
Good news - he loved it!
Though I did spell his name wrong :(
This is why everyone needs a good editor. :)
Hi Dan, i've just discovered your art recently and im really thrilled...
I recognize in your skillful style all that i like, Kirby Robbins and a spoon of Bil Wray... it's really an art i like a lot what you do.
Forgive my english, im from Buenos Aires.
Also forgive the fact that i have no credit card to order them nor any of our comic book stores have your comics, so i shamefully downloaded Jersey Gods from the internet...
I love your art what can i say, and im really enjoying the script, i've just read number 1 of the JG and that mix of classic kirbyverse kind of serious and kind of parodied it's just my cup of tea.
Again great great stuff, and well, since i have your work for free, you can ask anything from me and if it is that i can actually help you with anything.
Hey Lucas! It's a shame you weren't able to get Jersey Gods the "legitimate" way, but I'm thrilled you're a fan of the book and the art. I'd like to get JG out to places like South America and Europe - I get the feeling we'd do really well out there!
Anyway, thanks a lot for the kind words. Email me your postal address and I'll send you some stuff (and if you've got anything in print, I'd love for you to send me some of your work - I REALLY like your style!)
Dear Dan! What a kind answer, im telling you , im chatting whit all times idols of mine such as John Kricfalusi, Bisley and Bill Wray thanks to the wonders of Internet and they never or rarely answer! So its really appreciated!
I'll send you my postal address of course i wouldn't dare to ask you such favor of sending me stuff!
You're too kind sir...!
Me on the other hand i have nothing on print, and im thrilled and flattered that you went over at my blog to check my stuff out... the thing is that in Argentina very unfortunately there is not a real market for comic books so those out there here are from those people who can afford self publishing, self distributing and some sort of self publicity... which all adds to an awful lot of money!
Well i'll write to you and we are in contact. Now im gonna go read the number 2 of the downloaded Jersey Gods, kind of with a dim light and with an embarrassed face!
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