Feeling poorly this week, so The Last Minuters is going a little more slowly than usual. But I'm trying to stay in the game by doing some colour sketches every day. So here's more Justice League stuff I done:

The Question:


Booster Gold and Blue Beetle:

That is all! More soon!
Thanks chap! Aye, and it looks like you were right!
Hi, Dan!
I`m bowled over by your latest drawings.
The impact on the senses of each is very different as they are all so individual in drawing style. Aquaman is impressive
with a natural air of authority, while the drawing of Wildcat is a sensational action shot. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle look like they`re having a ball - and why not with that exotic background!
I`m really drawn to The Question, though. Just the mere IDEA of him is both a little disturbing and yet strangely intoxicating. Just loving these extras you`ve shared with us this week. Look after yourself. BJS
Lovin that aquaman!
i love that aquaman too!!
healthy eyebrows!
congrats of your artwork great blog!!
Hi Lauren and Laseraw! Thanks a lot for the comments. Aquaman's good fun to draw - a really moody guy who looks kind of goofy, what's not to like? I'll be stopping by your respective blogs soon to take a peek and say hi!
Great stuff!
I love the Aquaman and the Wildcat drawings the best -- great black spotting on those.
So much charm...
Hey Michael Cho - thanks a lot for stopping by. And thanks for the nice words! The Wildcat was kind of my favourite too.
Mmmm... some of these cartoons look like those drawn by a pal of mine in 9GEdwards. Could it be...?
Hello Miss P! I dunno... My form tutor at secondary school was called Miss Edwards. Does this narrow it down at all?
Cracked it! Too many coincidences... I am that girl formerly known as Payne although am now married, so these days known as something else. Good pictures. Always thought you would go onto great things!
Hey! Hi Esther, how's it going? Shoot me an email at danmcdaidATyahoo.co.uk. And you're always welcome around this here blog (though I update, ooh, once every six years or so).
Holy moley. Love these !!!
Thanks Kevin!
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