The new Doctor Who Magazine is out today, and I drew ten pages of it! Pretty mad, huh? The story is called The Screams of Death, it's by Jonny Morris, and it's a seedy, horrible tale of demons and divas in 19th Century Paris. I had a whale of a time drawing it, and James Offredi has coloured it up just right.

I have to be honest, I was a bit worried about drawing this one. I always get a bit of stage fright before doing Doctor Who - he's been a part of my life since I was a wee nipper, so I always feel like I have to really raise my game for him. That probably sounds a bit mental, doesn't it? Anyway, as I've sort of mentioned in interviews before, Matt Smith is a tricky bugger to get right. He's got that Peter Davison quality: distinctive, but mercurial (translation: he looks different from every angle, and he has no eyebrows). I think I nailed a passable caricature, but I don't think I quite got him right till part two (which you'll have to wait till next month to see, you lucky bastards).
Before I got cracking with drawing the actual strip, the chaps at DWM asked me to design a few bits and pieces. And here they are (only look if you don't mind being mildly spoiled for the story):

And that's yer lot. I hope you enjoy the strip!
Your preliminary designs are super smart. Dan! (I'm sure the actual pages are equally great too!) Love seeing your process.
lookin great, Danny
Great stuff. Thanks for showing the character sheets. Loved the flying demonic divas in a dark wet Paris.
Are there any cameos in the bar scene? I wanted to know what was going on at the next table with the exasperated waiter. Roll on Part 2!
Thanks Wolfboy! I'm aiming to post more of my process stuff in the future.
Matt - cheers man! What are you up to these days? Shoot me an email when you get the chance.
Chris, there were no particular cameos in the bar scene - I was just trying to give the scene a bit of life. Though that bit was sort of influenced by guys like Manet and Renoir (ooh, get me!).
so great. those designs rock. i need to get into this dr who thing all the kids are into.
Cheers, Marco!
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