This is from a sequence in Jersey Gods issue 9. Unusually for JG, this scene required a bit of added spookiness, so I decided to bring a bit of an EC Comics, Creepy/Eerie vibe into the inks. Dunno if it came off, but all those extra little lines were a lot of fun, and added some nice texture to the scene.
God, is this the most boring blog in the world, or what? Something fun next time, promise.
I can see the EC vibe, Dan. It's all in the lighting, and you've got it here in spades.
Nice! The EC stylings really work especially on panels 2 and 5.
i think it's the infrequency that hurts the blog, Danny. The content that you post is not boring at all. I REALLY dig this page. It's very clear that you've gotta different vibe going. I love that first panel.
Everytime I come by your blog I end up typing AWESOME ! I'm a E.C. comics fan ( reading CrimeSuspense Stories right now ) , the new archive. I love your drawings on both a storytelling level and purely artistic level and the way you're constantly evolving.:)
it's qiet. TOO qui-
*is slapped*
NICE! i like the loose brush strokes...very nice!
your next book should be a noir
You really nailed it; especially in that last panel, Dan. Let's see more!
Thanks for the kind words, chaps!
Marco, I quite fancy doing something noir-ish. There might be something faintly like that (or at least, cold war-y) on the horizon. Stay tuned!
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